BS Mechanical Engineering Flow Chart | MAE | Michigan Tech (2025)

  • Audit Years
  • Guidelines
  • Semester 1
  • Semester 2
  • Semester 3
  • Semester 4
  • Semester 5
  • Semester 6
  • Semester 7
  • Semester 8
  • Electives

Audit Years

Program Code EME

This sample plan and flow chart is suitable for all current and incoming students:

  • Flow Chart version March 2022

General Flow Chart Guidelines

  • Download the Audit Form
  • All Audit Years

Semester 1

Total 15/16 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)

Semester 2

Total 18 Credits

Semester 3

Total 16 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)

Semester 4

Total 17 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)

Semester 5

Total 18 Credits

Semester 6

Total 16 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (.5)

Semester 7

Total 14 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (.5)

Semester 8

Total 14 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (.5)


Required Technical Electives

Any 4000+ level courses in the College of Engineering except MET courses are acceptable for ME technical electives. MET courses are not acceptable for ME technical elective credits. These prefixes—BE, CM, CEE, EE, ENG, GE, MEEM, MSE—may be used by BSME students for technical elective credits (if allowed to enroll in the course by the offering department) with the following exceptions:

GE 4000

or any other research/special topics/seminar/etc credits (courses without a specific course description and/or syllabus). Undergraduate students cannot typically enroll in 6000-level courses. Special topics courses (4990, 5990, etc.) may be approved on an individual section/semester basis if a student/faculty member submits or creates a course syllabus for evaluation. OSM 4300 is also acceptable.

Free Electives

Any credits that are 1000-level or above, not on the co-curricular activities list, and not non-repeatable duplicated or equivalent courses. UN 3002, UN 3003, etc. (Cooperative Education credits) can be used as free electives in the BSME curriculum.

BS Mechanical Engineering Flow Chart | MAE | Michigan Tech (2025)


Is BS mechanical engineering hard? ›

Sure, Mechanical Engineering can be challenging, but it's far from unattainable. You may encounter some intense math, especially in courses like stress analysis, machine design, theory of machines, and dynamics theory.

Is Michigan Tech a good mechanical engineering school? ›

Our Graduate Program is ranked 63rd nationally among the 180 (top 35%) doctoral-granting Mechanical Engineering Departments in the U.S. by the 2023 U.S. News: Best Graduate Schools (ranked in 2022).

What is the hardest engineering degree? ›

The top 5 most difficult engineering courses in the world are nuclear engineering, chemical engineering, aerospace engineering, biomedical engineering and civil engineering.

Is mechanical harder than CS? ›

Both have elements of mathematics and design, but mechanical engineering requires working with a lot more physical constraints. Which degree is harder: computer, electrical, or mechanical engineering? If you dnt like computer programming, then CS is going to be harder.

What is the average salary for a mechanical engineer at University of Michigan? ›

The average Mechanical Engineer base salary at University of Michigan is $80K per year.

How prestigious is Michigan Tech? ›

Michigan Technological University's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, #151.

Why are there so many mechanical engineers in Michigan? ›

In particular, Michigan is by far the nation's leader in the concentration of mechanical engineers, with 306% more than the national average. One of the primary reasons is Michigan's auto manufacturing industry, which draws heavily on mechanical engineers for the design and production of cars and auto parts.

How hard is a BS in engineering? ›

Compared to other majors in the humanities and social sciences, engineering majors are far more technical and require tons of study time. If you're looking for an easier major that will give you a good study-life balance during college, engineering may not be right for you.

Is mechanical engineering the hardest engineering course? ›

What are considered the hardest engineering courses? There are many engineering courses all over the world that are considered the hardest. These include Aerospace, Mechanical, Civil, Computer, Nuclear, Biomedical and other engineering courses.

What is the hardest thing being a mechanical engineer? ›

Mechanical Engineers face unique challenges such as complex problem-solving, rigorous project deadlines, and the need to continuously update their technical skills. Balancing these demands with personal life is essential to maintain high performance and job satisfaction over the long term.


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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.