[FIX/GUIDE] RAGE MP Crashing at "Loading Server Resources" (2025)

Launching the Game:
Note:These two methods work most of the time. However, every so often the game may still crash. So, after trying each of the fixes in the following section (Crashing at Loading Server Resources), if you launch the game and it still crashes, try launching the game using the steps belowa second time just to confirm.

Generally speaking,if launching just RAGE MP alone causes crashes or other issues with launching into the game, always use one of the following methods to connect to the server:

Option 1 (Epic Games /Steam)

  1. Launch Steam/Epic Games Launcher.
  2. Browse to the install directory forthe Rockstar Games Launcher. Default isC:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Launcher.
  3. Right ClickLauncher.exe > Run as administrator.
  4. Browse to the install directory for RAGE MP.If you didn't change the location on the previous install, the default isC:\RAGEMP.
  5. Right Clickupdater.exe > Run as administrator.Allow it to launch. ThenRight Click updater.exe > Run as administratora second time.
  6. You will now have two instances of RAGE MP open. Use the second one to connect to GTA W by selectingGTAW -Roleplay 2.0 | www.gta.worldfrom the server list.

Option 2 (Epic Games)

Thanks to @Lavitra

  1. Start > Right Click Epic Games Launcher(Type it in for Windows 10) > More > Run as administrator.
  2. Browse to the install directory for RAGE MP.If you didn't change the location on the previous install, the default isC:\RAGEMP.
  3. Right Clickupdater.exe > Run as administrator.
  4. Keep File Explorer open in your RAGE MP install directory.
  5. Connect to GTA W by selectingGTAW -Roleplay 2.0 | www.gta.worldfrom the server list.
  6. Once the Rockstar Launcher window appears (white Rockstar logo with animation), launch RAGE MP as administrator a second time from the RAGE MP install directory(Right Clickupdater.exe > Run as administrator).
  7. Keep the second instance of RAGE MP as the active window and let the first instance of RAGE MP do what it needs to in the background.
  8. With a little patience, eventually the first instance of RAGE MP gets to the log-in screen.


Crashing atLoading Server Resources
Now, if your game launches, but crashes at Loading Server Resources (just before Finishing Handshakeand getting to the log-in screen), try the following. You may try them in order as I've ordered them from the least time consuming to the most.

Personally, my game has broken on me three times (every time the server updates) and what's worked for me every time isDisable Discord OverlayandSwitch RAGE MP Development Channels Temporarily.If you're like me where for the longest while you just couldn't figure out why the game kept crashing to desktop, I hope at least one of these solutions below work for you or at least get you closer to the login screen.

Disable Discord Overlay
Thanks to Bocephus.

  1. In Discord, click the gear icon next to your username at the bottom left of the window.
  2. Browse toActivity Settings > Game Overlayand toggleEnable in-game overlay.to Off (Grey Toggle Button with an X)

Disable Xbox Game Bar

  1. Start > Enable Xbox Game Bar (Type it in for Windows 10).
  2. Toggle the button at the top toOff.

Switch RAGE MP Development Channels Temporarily

  1. Browse to the install directory for RAGE MP.If you didn't change the location on the previous install, the default isC:\RAGEMP.
  2. Right Click config.xml > Edit.If you have RAGE MP installed in another directory such as Program Files (x86),you may need to doStart > Notepad (Type it in for Windows) > Right Click > Run as administrator;This is because when it comes to save the file after editing, you may need administrative permissions.
  3. In the openedconfig.xml, changeprereleaseto10_mNwuchuQ4ktWbR8d2N5jUzRt.
  4. Launch the game using the steps at the beginning of this guide. You will get an error that your GTA V version is not supported. ClickOK.
  5. Close the remaining RAGE MP window that would still beopen from using the steps at the beginning of this guide.
  6. Close the Rockstar Games Launcher: Click The˄ Icon in the Bottom Right of Your Taskbar > Right Click Rockstar Games Launcher Icon > Exit
  7. Browse to the install directory for RAGE MP.If you didn't change the location on the previous install, the default isC:\RAGEMP.
  8. Right Click config.xml > Edit.If you have RAGE MP installed in another directory such as Program Files (x86),you may need to doStart > Notepad (Type it in for Windows) > Right Click > Run as administrator;This is because when it comes to save the file after editing, you may need administrative permissions.
  9. In the openedconfig.xml, change10_mNwuchuQ4ktWbR8d2N5jUzRttoprerelease
  10. Launch the game using the steps at the beginning of this guide.

Download Server Assets All Over

Option 1 (Downloading via RAGE MP Client)

  1. Browse to the install directory for RAGE MP.If you didn't change the location on the previous install, the default isC:\RAGEMP.
  2. In theclient_resourcesfolder, click onthecb242ee11d52ccd84309050503ab5242and pressShift + Del.ClickYeswhen askedAre you sure you want to permanently delete this folder?
  3. Launch the game using the steps at the beginning of this guide.

Option 2 (Downloading via Mega)

  1. Browse to the install directory for RAGE MP.If you didn't change the location on the previous install, the default isC:\RAGEMP.
  2. In theclient_resourcesfolder, click onthecb242ee11d52ccd84309050503ab5242and pressShift + Del.ClickYeswhen askedAre you sure you want to permanently delete this folder?
  3. Download the server resources via this link.
  4. Launch the game using the steps at the beginning of this guide. You will have most of the server resources already installed, but being that the above link is not the most up to date, RAGE MPwill download a few more files from the server.

Reinstall RAGE MP Completely

Backing up Server Resources (Optional)
If you are sure your server resources are completely downloadedand free of any errors, you may backup the server resources before doing this, to avoid having to download them all over again. If you are not sure of this, skip this section and jump to the steps for reinstallation below.

  1. To do so, browse to the install directory for RAGE MP.If you didn't change the location on the previous install, the default isC:\RAGEMP.
  2. In theclient_resourcesfolder, copy thecb242ee11d52ccd84309050503ab5242folder to a backup folder anywhere you prefer, outside of theRAGEMPfolder.
  3. Once done reinstalling via the steps below, you may copythecb242ee11d52ccd84309050503ab5242folder you backed up, back to theRAGEMP\client_resourcesfolder.


  1. Uninstall RAGE MP viaStart > Control Panel (Type it in for Windows 10) > Programs > Programs and Featuresand scrolling down to RAGE Multiplayer.Right Click RAGE Multiplayer > Uninstall/Change.
  2. Browse to the location you installed RAGE MP. If you didn't change the location on the previous install, the default isC:\RAGEMP.
  3. Click on theRAGEMPfolder and pressShift + Del.ClickYeswhen askedAre you sure you want to permanently delete this folder?
  4. Download the RAGE MP installer(Click).
  5. Run the RAGE MP installer and reinstall RAGE MP.
  6. Launch the game using the steps at the beginning of this guide.

Remove Mods
This means removing everythingwhich you installed (apart from RAGE MP) that did not come with the standard installation of GTA V.

  • Important to note: Vanilla Vehicles Emissives Fix by @BadassBaboonisknown to cause crashes and he is working on a fix. Check out his official topic here for updates.
  • Script Hook V should also be removed as many users have reported problems with it and / or mods which use Script Hook V.

ENB Series / Reshade and Other Graphical Shaders

Uninstall ENB Series, Reshade or other graphical mods you have installed. Various ENB Series and Reshade downloads come with various files and some come with installers/uninstallers, so I can't provide a detailed guide on how to uninstall them as it will vary per user. However, compare your GTA V install directory files with the files that come with the ENB Series / Reshade you downloaded and delete those files.

If you're unsure how to remove ENB Series / Reshade, you can just proceed withallof the following steps, including reinstalling GTA V.


  1. Browse to the location you installed RAGE MP. If you didn't change the location on the previous install, the default isC:\RAGEMP.
  2. Ensure theuser_resourcesfolder is empty. If it's not, delete all files in that folder. You may back them up if you don't have them saved anywhere else.

Reinstalling GTA V

Ensure your GTA V installation is mod-free. If you have any modifications installedand you're unsure how to revert them, the best way to get a clean game is to reinstall it via Steam or Epic Games Launcher.

For Steam:

  1. Start > Steam (Type it in for Windows 10).
  2. In Steam, go toLibrary > Right Click Grand Theft Auto V > Manage > Uninstall
  3. Once uninstalled, browse to the Grand Theft Auto V install directory. If you didn't change the location on the previous install, the default isC:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common.
  4. Click on theGrand Theft Auto Vfolder and pressShift + Del.ClickYeswhen askedAre you sure you want to permanently delete this folder?
  5. In Steam, go toLibrary > Right Click Grand Theft Auto V > Install

For Epic Games Launcher:

  1. Start > Epic Games Launcher (Type it in for Windows 10).
  2. In the Epic Games Launcher, go toLibrary > Three Dots Under Grand Theft Auto V > Uninstall.
  3. Once uninstalled, browse to the Grand Theft Auto V install directory. If you didn't change the location on the previous install, the default isC:\Program Files\Epic Games
  4. Click on theGTAVfolder and pressShift + Del.ClickYeswhen askedAre you sure you want to permanently delete this folder?
  5. In the Epic Games Launcher, go toLibraryand clickInstallunder Grand Theft Auto V.
  • Launch the game using the steps at the beginning of this guide.
  • If the game now launches fine, you may either continue to play without mods, or if you're daring, you may try reinstalling mods one by one to see which one breaks the game.

Edited by Scorgasmic

[FIX/GUIDE] RAGE MP Crashing at "Loading Server Resources" (2025)


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