Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)

S4 Stsr-Gsiette, Frl, July 1983 IRA hints new attacks in England may be coming LONDON (AP) Th outlawed Irish to restore the death penalty In May and she taw nothing to change that 357-to-m vote. Scotland Yard'i anti-terrorist squad staged a partial reconstruction of lues-day'a IRA blast in Hyde Park, where three mounted members of the Household Cavalry were kUled. A dark blue car identical to the one packed with a 10. pound nail bomb that exploded Tuesday was parked In the same spot. In his statement, Hucklesby declined to specify how many people or say whether they were suspects, He said detectives were following up several "new lines of inquiry" as well as previous Information received from the public.

In Parliament. Prime Minister Marga, ret Thatcher rejected a fresh call to bring back hanging for terrorism. Mn. Thatch, er, a supporter of capital punishment, noted that the House of Commons refused A Scotland Yard spokesman said police hope photographs of the parked car, to sppear In the news media Thursday night and Friday, will Jog the memory of wit. nesses.

A spokesman said one witness has already provided description of a man seen parking the esr a half-hour before the blast. Hucklesby said police were planning to produce a composite picture, pieced to. gether from witnesses descriptions, of one of the men they want to trace. Press Association. Britain's domestic news agency, said the picture waa "probably" of the man seen parking the dark blue car.

Hucklesby did not say when the picture- would be released. "It Is important It is an accurate Ilk; eness of the person we wish to trace," he said. Republics Army, laying bombs are the only thing Britain will listen to, hinted Thursday at new attack! in England like the devastating double bombmg that killed sine soldiers in two London parks, Commander William Hucklesby, head of Scotland Yard'! anti terrorist squad, said there were 'particular people" po. lice want to question about Tuesday's bombings, Britain lifts blockade around the Falklands France ignores U.S., will aid pipeline PARIS (AP) France an. nounced Thursday It was ignoring President Reagan's sanctions on the Soviet gas pipeline and or.

dered a French manufacturer to go ahead with deliveries of pipe, line rotors developed by the General Electric Co. It was another blow to Washington's battle plan for "economic war" against the Soviets and fur-ther evidence of the serious degradation la U.S.-European relations. Although President Francois Mitterrand's Socialists have ruled France since May 10, 1981, the is-sue has little to do with political ideology. Britain's Conservatives, Germany's Social Democrats snd Italy's Christian Democrats all oppose the sanctions. West Germany applauded the French announcement, Britain announced It "sympathizes with the French action" and Italy stood by Its position that the sanctions would damage Italian-American relations.

In Washington, the White House said It was studying "a number of possible actions" the United States could take In retaliation for the French decision. The pipeline is supposed to be-gin shipping natural gas to Western Europe in 1984. About 20 European firms have contracts worth an estimated $11 billion to help develop the project, and thou-sands of jobs on the economically depressed continent depend on the deal. The Reagan administration last month expanded sanctions on U.S. exports of oil and gas equipment to the Soviet Union to Include equipment produced abroad under U.S.

licenses, such as the sophisticated GE rotors, and American equipment sold to Europe and intended for re-export. LONDON (AP) Britain lifted its blockade around the Falkland Islands on Thursday but asked that Argentine ships and aircraft stsy at least 150 miles away from the recaptured archipelago to avoid "misunderstandings or Inadvertent clashes." Argentina rejected the gesture toward normalizing relations and charged Britain with continued belligerence. A Foreign Ministry communique Issued Thursday night in Buenos Aires said the British request amounted to a con. tinuation of the blockade. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's announcement that the 200-mile total exclusion zone In the South Atlantic was suspended came in response to a member's question In the House of Com-mons.

She said the harbor and airfield at the island capital of Stanley and a three-mile territorial tone around the Falklands "neverthe-less remain closed to commercial shipping and aircraft until further notice for reasons of safety." Mrs. Thatcher's statement said British forces "continue to have authority to take all necessary measures to protect themselves against attack anywhere in the South Atlantic and to defend the Falkland Islands and the dependencies, in accordance with the inherent right of self-defense recognized In Article 51 of United Nations Charter." Mrs. Thatcher imposed the total air and sea blockade April 30 as the British task force arrived la the South Atlantic to reclaim the colony seized by Argentine troops April 2. A May 7 extension of the block-ade said any Argentine warship or warplane found more than 12 miles from the Argentine coast would be regarded as hostile. Mrs.

Thatcher said the extension also no longer applied. But she said Argentina has been asked to keep its warships and military aircraft out of a 150-mile area around the Falklands "to minimize the risk of misunderstandings or Inadvertent clashes." i- I I 1 -v i V' 1 1 I i i I U.S. isn't happy Iran: We're 14 miles into Iraq "unprecedented operation." An Iraqi communique conceded the Iranians advanced about three miles into Iraqi territory, but said Iraqi forces pushed them back In an "immediate counteroffensive." The communique, carried by the official Iraqi news agency INA, said Iraq's troops "totally crushed" the invading force, killing 2,235 Iranians, capturing a "considerable number of the enemy" and destroying 27 tanks and armored vehicles. It said the rest of the Iranian force "fled terrified from the field." The Iranian communique said exchanges of fire continued along most of the battle front Thursday night. Associated Press Iran claimed Thursday that its forces punched 14 miles into southeastern Iraq, smashing enemy defenses and killing more than 2,000 Iraqis.

Iraq claimed it repulsed the Iranian offensive and "annlhl-lated" the Invading force. Tehran's Islamic Republic News Agency said in a report from the front that Iranian forces launched a two-pronged assault Wednesday night north and south of the Iraqi border post of Zaid, six miles northeast of Iraq's strategic oil port of Basra. A military communique carried by IRNA said Iranian forces destroyed 380 Iraqi tanks and ar-mored personnel carriers, in what a senior officer described as an A loserphoto Frank Johnson, executive managing editor of the Arizona Daily Star, receives emergency treatment. 7 injured in blasts at Tucson newspaper the pipeline. He expanded the sanctions June 18, barring foreign subsidiaries of U.S.

companies from selling equipment for the pipeline. The prohibition included foreign-based companies licensed to use U.S. technology In making equipment. Reagan said in an interview with a St Louis television station, KMOX, on Thursday that he had spoken with Mitterrand. Asked if he had tried to dissuade the French president from his action, Reagan said, "We tried our best" at the Versailles eonomic summit in June.

"I think they knew what we were going to do," Reagan said. There have been reports that European countries were surprised by the June 18 action. The president said he had ordered the Commerce Department to Investigate the question of whether French license-holders of U.S. technology could be bound by U.S. law.

The issue has caused a deep rift In relations between the United States and its European allies, who look to the pipeline to provide jobs and trade. WASHINGTON (AP) The Reagan administration expressed regret Thursday over France's defiance of a U.S. ban on supplying American technology for the Sovi-et natural gas pipeline, and raised the possibility of invoking penalties to enforce the boycott. "Certainly we will enforce the law," said White House deputy press secretary Larry Speakes. "There are things we can do." Those things Include stiff fines against companies which ignore the pipeline boycott.

In a political and legal rebuke against Washington, the socialist government of President Francois Mitterrand ordered a French company Thursday to fulfill its $59. million contract to supply Moscow with 40 sets of giant pipeline rotors developed by the General Electric Co. "The government cannot accept the unilateral measures taken by the United States on June 18," said a statement issued by Premier Pierre Mauroy. Retaliating against the martial-law crackdown In Poland, Reagan imposed a ban last December on the 'sale of U.S.-made goods for Anv Cut. FRIDAY SPECIAL Any Style one, which injured six of the victims, occurred in a 480-volt circuit that still was live with electrical power, though firemen had been told all power to the building was cut off.

A Tucson Electrical Power Co. spokesman, Barry Burdett, said, the explosions occurred inside metal electrical ducting but that the cause had not been determined. There was nothing wrong with any of the utility's equipment, he added. Besides carrying 480 volts, a line in the ducts also carried high amperage, Burdett said. "You can see how powerful it was," he said SEAFOOD PLATTER $795 I.

JtZji Customed. i iJ sfmo a Subi I II NEW DIMENSIONS FBUS HORIGAN'SI 1 I STYLING SALON ar TAVFRN 1 1105 Walnut SI I Davis at Second ELMIM 732-1S4I ELHGTS.734-3S11 SOUTHSIDE 714 UM TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) Three explosions tore through a bank of electric transformers at Tucson Newspapers Inc. on Thursday, the last one so powerful it knocked a man out of his shoes. Seven people were injured, three of them critically.

The blasts, which occurred over the space of an hour, knocked out all electric power to the building where the city's two daily newspapers are published. Those critically Injured were Frank Johnson, executive managing editor of the Arizona Daily Star; Frank C. Delehanty, the Star's business manager and Jack Schaeffer, Star chief photographer. Also hurt was Wayne Bean, Tucson Newspapers production manager. Johnson suffered burns over 10 percent of his body.

Schaeffer, who was taking photographs of the damage when the third blast came, suffered burns over 85 percent of his body. Delahanty had burns over 95 percent of his body. Tucson Fire Capt. Duane Stutz said seepage from rain Wednesday night may have caused the first explosion. He said the third ELMIM 732-3440 ELMIRA, N.Y.

Reagan visits St Louis, sees son, backs program 734-OM)1; HORSEHUDS 23M7H I of the third blast, pointing to a pair of charred black shoes lying near a transformer. "You can see the shoes the guy was blown right out of his shoes." Whose shoes they were was undetermined. Publisher Gerald Garcia said the afternoon Tucson Citizen, which normally published three editions a day, printed a single edition at Phoenix Newspapers new production facility in Mesa. Mi 0 H' Whether you use these coupons individually or all at once, you can enjoy four mouthwatering meals for only $5.00. So get on down to your nearest Kentucky Fried Chicken store and save on the Colonel's Original Recipeor Extra Crispy' -America's favorite fried chicken! Xe)35 2 pMKM of cfitin tOigiwi Ropff or jrtr Cntpy) 1 man mswrwd potMO nd gravy FORI! FOR ONE COMPLETE 2-PECE 1 PACK 1 oVnr roM I for only i zswimmit coupon Lirm on pcnqe per coupon, lour coupons par customer Good on combin- Ition whitedark or(Jft only Customer pays all applicablt Mies tax.

COUPON EXPIRES AUGUST 9. 1962. ST. LOUIS (AP) President Reagan flew here late Thursday for a rendezvous with his speed-! boat-racing elder son and a pro-; motional blitz for private-sector projects which demonstrate that "Sve do not have to turn to the fed-; efal government to fill every need." I The president's 37-year-old son, Michael, skippering a three-en- gine, outboard up the Mississippi River from New Orleans, had hoped to arrive ahead of his father's jetliner. Me-t chanical problems in Kentucky made him a bit late, but he still flashed across the finish line in 25 hours, 8 minutes to break a 10- year-old record for the journey.

'The race against time was a promotion for the U.S. Olympic Committee. The president visited a Boys Club during the last miles of his son's splashy ride and planned to drop by a fundraising reception for Eureka College before joining Michael at an Olympic benefit dinner. Interviewed by station KMOX- TV, Reagan said the recession had out but he declined to predict a quick recovery. rf'My projections are, the signs are kind of mixed," he said.

In his remarks at the Boys Club, Reagan cited the contributions to the project from private companies and said: "Your club is an exciting example of the private-sector cooperation I believe can renew the quality of life across America." He said that the club and other such programs around the country "make it clear that we do not have to turn to the federal government to fill every need." But, he cautioned: "Don't misunderstand. Government has a legitimate role In aiding citizens who can turn no where else for support." "Business, volunteer organizations and our churches can not take over all of America's responsibilities. But our economy nearly foundered on the rocky misconception that government bore those responsibilities alone. All Americans share them as a people, and we must call on every resource, every strength, every bit of Individual imagination to fulfill our obligations together," he said. "You, your neighbors, local gov-ernment and businesses have moved this club from the shade of a convenient tree to a storefront, to this multipurpose, multimillion-dollar building," he said.

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Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.